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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica

Introduction to Python Programming – with Applications on Typhoon HIL

This course covered the study of the Python programming language. The basic concepts of the language were presented, such as arithmetic and Boolean logic, conditions and file manipulation. From these basic concepts, fundamentals of object-oriented programming and topics about the matplotlib and numpy libraries were presented.

The workshop was organized by the IEEE IAS UFSM SB Chapter and presented by the Eng. Tiarles Guterres. All the classes are recorded and available on youtube.

At the end of this course, it was expected that the “participant” be able, based on the knowledge acquired, to apply Python as a technological solution to problems in the most varied areas of engineering. In addition, capable to apply the Python knowledge on Typhon HIL applications for test automation.


  1. Basic concepts of language
  2. Object-oriented programming
  3. Using matplotlib and numpy in different applications
  4. Typhon HIL applications for tests automation.

All the course are available at