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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica

Video Lessons – Solving ENADE Questions

The project consists of the production of didactic material based on the resolution of questions from ENADE from previous editions. The IEEE UFSM Student Branch in partnership with PET-EE and NTE are organizing this activity.

The idea is to invite undergraduate and graduate students and professors to solve old ENADE questions in a digital board. The short video will be recorded on NTE UFSM studio and they will be available for all the students. The teacher will receive an official certificate of educational material production, that are valid for public tenders.

– The questions are in the area of electrical engineering, control and automation, and telecommunications.

– The video lesson of the resolution of each question will be made on a digital table, in which only what is written and spoken will be recorded.

– Power-point presentations, with the statement and graphics, can be used at the table to assist in the explanation.

– The questions from previous years are already separated in a document according to the area.

We selected some questions and organized based on the subject, to make easy the resolution. Also, we are looking for students that want to participate in this activity.

If you are interested, send an email to
