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Secretaria de Apoio Internacional

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

For over three decades, Canada has funded modest development assistance projects worldwide through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

The CFLI provides financial assistance to cover part or all the costs of projects that are comparatively modest in scope, scale and expense, and are generally designed and developed by authorities or organizations of local base, proposed and implemented by them. This enables Canada to respond to local needs by working at the community level.

The Canada Fund is also a major tool of the Canadian government to strengthen relations between Canada, the Brazilian civil society and the local communities, helping to build networks of contacts in around the world.

Thematic Priorities

The CFLI funds projects aligned with the following priorities:

1.    Championing inclusive and accountable governance, peaceful pluralism and respect for diversity, and human rights;

2.    Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women and girls;

3.    Addressing climate change and enhancing environmental sustainability;

4.    Stimulating sustainable and green economic growth; and

5.    Promoting stability and security.

In exceptional situations, the CFLI can allocate resources for humanitarian assistance due to natural disasters and local emergencies.

Eligible CFLI Recipients

The following costs are NOT eligible for CFLI funding:

Examples of Eligible Costs:

More information in this website: