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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos

International Webinar One Health Over Borders – CAPES/PrInt – UFSM

O PPGCTA UFSM promove na próxima semana o International Webinar One Health Over Borders - CAPES/PrInt - UFSM (, que contará com a participação de diversos palestrantes internacionais. Destacamos a participação das professoras Marina Copetti e Tatiana Emanuelli, como palestrantes, e do prof. Juliano Barin como coordenador de sessão, dentro do tema "Safe food & food systems":  

Session 2: Clean technologies for food processing and extraction of bioactive Compounds

Chairs: Prof. Juliano Smaniotto Barin (PPGCTA, UFSM) and Prof. Jesús Lozano-Sánchez (University of Granada, Spain)


Enabling technologies and green processes for the production of bioactive compounds

Prof. Giancarlo Cravotto (University of Turin, Italy)


Enzymatic mechanisms for the generation of bioactive peptides

Prof. Leticia Mora (IATA, Spain)

Natural deep eutectic solvents to obtain biocompatible ready-to-use phytochemical extracts: from food to pharma applications

Prof. Tatiana Emanuelli (PPGCTA, UFSM)

Cardiovascular and diabetes risks: the influence of diet and herbs in the pathogenesis of erectile dysfunction

Dr. Ayodeji A. Olabiyi (PPGBTOX, UFSM)




Session 3Food safety from farm-to-fork

Chairs: Prof. Marina V. Copetti (PPGCTA, UFSM) and Prof. Ana Flávia Furian (PPGCTA, UFSM)


Impacts of climate change on toxin contamination of food commodities by mycotoxigenic moulds in tropical/developing countries scenarios

Prof. Naresh Magan – (Cranfield University, UK)


Sanitization as a way to prevent the fungal spoilage of processed food and consumer exposure to mycotoxins

Profa. Marina V. Copetti (PPGCTA, UFSM)


Ecophysiology of Aspergillus westerdijkiae: factors affecting growth and ochratoxin production

Dr. Alessandra Marcon Gasperini (PPGCTA, UFSM)