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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meteorologia

22nd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence da American Meteorological Society

Os professores Otávio Costa Acevedo, Francisco Scremin Puhales e Vagner Anabor, do PPGMET, estao representando o Grupo de Meteorologia da UFSM no 22nd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence da American Meteorological Society nos EUA.

O grupo apresentará 7 trabalhos com resultados de projetos realizados no Brasil em parceria com vários grupos de pesquisa parceiros.

Lista dos trabalhos:

  1. Some Aspects of the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate in the Stable Boundary Layer
  2. Are Single Column Models Able to Reproduce the Stable Boundary Layer Transition?
  3. Why Can´t SBL Models Reproduce the Near-Zero Heat Flux at High Wind Speeds?
  4. Influence of the Richardson Number in the propagation and maintenance of the vortices generated by a static and isolated microburst
  5. COBALT: A High Tower Experiment for Monitoring the Micrometeorology of a Coastal Area
  6. Inter-comparison of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Parameterizations Included in Simulations of Amazonian Convective Systems
  7. Terrain effects on the turbulence relationship with wind speed in the nocturnal boundary layer