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Electrophoretic separation of ventricular myosin isoenzymes using a native polyacrylamide minigel system. Cell Biochem. Biophys;38(1):33-40, 2003.

The isolated rabbit heart: comparison between five different modifications]
Herz. Dec;27(8):803-13, 2002. German.

Contribution of the raw material to the aluminum contamination in parenterals.
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. Nov-Dec;26(6):382-8, 2002.

Influence of the glass packing on the contamination of pharmaceutical products by aluminium. Part I: salts, glucose, heparin and albumin, J Trace Elem Med Biol, 15(2-3):95-101, 2001.

Determination of nickel, manganese, copper and zinc in blood serum by atomic absorption spectrometry after desproteinization by microwave irradiation, Analytical Letters, 33(7):1265-1279, 2000.

The microalbuminuria and its relationship with diabetes, arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases: a review, Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia, 36: 18-25, 2000.

Deproteinization of blood serum by Acid-Microwave association for the determination of aluminium by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, v. 13, 1998.

Polarographic determination of cyanide as nickelcyanocomplex in blood plasma after selective extraction in a methyl blue unpregnated column, Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 361, 1998.

The Activity of Adenosin Deaminase (ADA) as auxiliary diagnostic in the hansenyase, Newslab, 1998.

Liquid Chromatography with ultraviolet absorbance detection as an auxiliary cleanup step, Analyst, v. 122, August 1997.

The problem of contamination in the Aluminium Trace Analysis, Química Nova, V. 20 n° 04, 1997.

Trabalhos Apresentados em Congressos Internacionais:

Hydroxyl peroxide and peroxynitrite contribute differently to the ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rabbit myocardium. Heart Failure. Strasbourg (FRA), June/2003.

Correlation between protein oxidation and myocardial function after ischemia/reperfusion in isolated hearts. Experimental Biology. San Diego (USA). April/2003.

Determination of Myosin Isoenzymes in Normoxic and Postichemic Myocardium; A New, Safe and Reliable Method, Experimental Biology, New Orleans (USA) April/2002.

The antioxidantive effects of the mannitol and glutathione on global myocardial function and MHC-isoenzyme distribution. Physiology-Kongress, Tübinguen (GER) März/2002.

The effect of oxygen radical scaveging on postischemic ventricular function. Physiology-Kongress, Tübinguen (GER) März/2002.

Myosin Isoenzymes; determination in normoxic and postischemic hearts, European Society of Cardiology, Winter Meeting “From Hypertrophy to Failure”, Isola (FRA) 2002.

Different contribution of reactive oxygen species to microvascular stunning. Basic Res Cardiol 96(1), 5-5. 2001.

Different contribution of hydroxyl peroxide and peroxynitrite to the ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rabbit myocardium, German J. Cardiol 90(5), 267, 2001.

Myosin-isoenzymes in normoxic and postischemic rabbit hearts, German J. Cardiol 90(5) 272, Ulm (GER) 2001.

Eine einfache und zuverlässige Methode zur Bestimmung des Myosin-Isoenzyme-Musters. German J. Cardiol 90(5), 74-74. Ulm (GER) 2001

Endothelium and postischemic dysfunction, European Working Group on Myocardial Function, International Workshop Isola (FRA), 2000.

Beitrag der endothelialen Dysfunktion zum vaskulären Stunning. Z. Kardiol. 89(6), 29-29. Munster (GER) 2000.

Trabalhos Apresentados em Congressos Nacionais

Evaluation of the toxicology analysis realized in Santa Maria: 1995-2002. Londrina – PR / Poster; September/2003.

Evaluation of the Microalbuminuria in diabetic patientes, hypertens-diabetcs and hypertens as an auxiliary signal in the nefropatie. Rio de Janeiro – RJ / Poster; September/1998.

Determination of Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) in the liquor : auxiliary to diagnostic of the infeccious disease. Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul / Poster; Juni/1998.

Using of Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) activity as the marker of hansen disease. Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais / Poster; September/1997.

Deproteinization of blood serum by the associated action of Acid-Microwave in order to determine the amount of aluminium by graphite AAS. São Carlos – São Paulo / Poster; August/1997.

The problem of contamination in the Al trace analysis. Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais; September/1997.

The risk of contamination by aluminium in the dialysis with good quality water. Poços de Caldas – Minas Gerais / Poster; Mai/1997.

The use of microwave deproteinization of blood serum and is applications in the analysis of agrotoxic residues. Poços de Caldas – Minas Gerais

Aluminium levels in the water of the UFSM Hospital used in the treatment of hemodialysis. Caxambu –Minas Gerais / Poster; Mai/1995.

Teratogenic Agents – A Revision – Second Congress of Research of UFSM – Poster; OKtober/1992.