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UFSM offers the following initiatives to host foreign researchers:

CNPq Visiting Researcher

Applications for CNPq visiting researcher scholarships are made through CNPq calls for application. You must have a CV registered on the Lattes platform. The activities must be carried out in person at UFSM, for no more than 12 months. The application is submitted via an online proposal form on the Carlos Chagas Platform, by a supervisor at the home institution and must include a research project with an activity schedule. Before applying, it is necessary to have previously contacted the hosting Unit/Supervisor at UFSM.

Researcher from a Partner Institution

International researchers from partner institutions are also welcome to work at UFSM for a given period of time. The cooperation agreement between the partner institutions must include research activities in the work plan. This type of initiative must be arranged directly with the host graduate program.

For specific questions regarding partner institutions, please contact us at:

Researcher for a Specific Group

Specific research groups at UFSM may host international researchers. This type of initiative must be arranged directly with the hosting group. Remember that it is essential to register as an International Special Activity (AEE) to have access to UFSM’s facilities, such as Library and University Restaurant. This registration can be provided by the hosting group.