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  1. A new hypothesis on meandering atmospheric flows in low wind speed conditions 
    G.A. Degrazia, D. Oettl, A. G. O. Goulart, D. Anfossi, Atmospheric Enviromnent. 39, 1739-1748 (2005).
  2. A systematization for one-loop 4D Feynman integrais 
    O. A. Battistel, G. Dallabona, European Physical Journal C. 1, 1-21 (2005).
  3. Ab initio calculations of the structural and eletronic properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 under high pressure 
    S. B. Fagan, A. G. S. Filho, A. P. Ayala, J. M. Filho, Physical Review B – Condensed Matter And Materials Physics. 72, 14106-14109 (2005).
  4. Abundance gradientes in a sample of barred spiral galaxies 
    O. L. Dors Junior, M. V. F. Copetti, Astronomy and Astrophysics. 437, 837-847 (2005).
  5. An analysis of sonic anemometer observations in low wind speed conditions 
    D. Anfossi, D. Oettl, A. G. O. Goulart, G. A. Degrazia, Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 114, 179-203 (2005).
  6. An iterative langevin solution for contaminant dispersion simulation using the Gram-Charlier PDF. Environmental Modelling and Software 
    J. C. Carvalho, E. Nichimura, G. A. Degrazia, M. T. Vilhena, D. M. Moreira, Environmental Modelling And Software. 20, 285-289 (2005).
  7. Analytical solution of the advection – diffusion equation with nonlocal closure of the turbulent diffusion 
    D. M. Moreira, M. T. Vilhena, G. A. Degrazia, J. C. Carvalho, Environmental Modeling and Software. 20, 1347-1351 (2005).
  8. Charge transfer effects in acid treated single wall carbon nanotubes 
    E. B. Barros, S. B. Fagan, A. G. S. Filho, V. Lemos, J. M. Filho, M. H. Herbest, C. A. Luengo, J. G. Huber, Carbon. 43, 2495-2500 (2005).
  9. Class of exact solutions of Einsteins field equatios in higher dimensional spacetimes, d>=4: Majumdar-Papapetrou solutions 
    V. T. Zanchin, J. P. S. Lemos, Physical Review D – Particle and Filds .71, 4021-4031 (2005).
  10. Domain wall propagation in continuous thin films initiated by precessional reversal 
    M. Kerekes, A. D. C. Viegas, R. L. Sommer, D. Stanescu, U Ebels, P. Xavier, L. S. Dorneles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 286, 51-55 (2005).
  11. Effect of stress on the entropy calculated by applying the zipping method to Barkhausen noise 
    A. Gundel, Luciana Santi, R. L. Sommer, A. P. Guimarães Filho, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 290, 1165-1167 (2005).
  12. Electron temperature fluctuations in planetary nebulae 
    Â. C. Krabbe, M. V. F. Copetti, Astronomy and Astropysics. 443, 981-994 (2005).
  13. Electronic properties of Ag- and CrO3-filled single-wall 
    S. B. Fagan, A. G. S. Filho, J. M. Filho, Paola Corio, M. Dresselhaus, Chemical Physcis Letters. 406, 54-59 (2005).
  14. Electronic properties of FeCl3-adsorbed single wall carbon nanotubes 
    S. C. Guerini, A. G. S. Filho, S. B. Fagan, J. M. Filho, J. J. A. Silva, Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 72, 1-4 (2005).
  15. Evidence for a metalilic-like state in the T = 0 K phase diagram of a high temperature superconductor 
    A. A. Schmidt, J. J. Rodriguez Nuñes, I. Tifrea, European Physical Journal B. 46, 187-191 (2005).
  16. Fermionic Ising glasses in magnetic transverse field with BCS pairing interaction 
    S. G. Magalhães, F. M. Zimmer, European Physical Journal B. 43, 187-193 (2005).
  17. First principles study of the (11-20)hBN interface 
    P. Piquini, S. C. Guerini, Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 71, 3305 (2005).
  18. Formation energy of native defects in BN nanotubes: an ab initio study 
    P. Piquini, A. Fazzio, T. M. Schmidt, R. J. Baierle, Nanotechnology. 16, 827-831 (2005).
  19. Lithium intercalation into single-wall carbon nanotube bundles 
    S. B. Fagan, S. C. Guerini, J. M. Filho, V. Lemos, Microeletronics Journal. 36, 499-501 (2005).
  20. On the universality of the dissipation rate functional form and of the autocorrelation function exponential form 
    G. A. Degrazia, O. C. Acevedo, A. G. O. Goulart, J. C. Carvalho, O. L. L. Moraes, H. F. C. Velho, D. M. Moreira, Atmospheric Environment. 39, 1917-1924 (2005).
  21. Parallel Implementation of a Lagrangian Stochastic Model for Pollution Dispersion 
    D. R. Roberti, R. P> Souto, G. A. Degrazia, H. F. C. Velho, D. Anfossi, International Journal of Parallel Programming. 33, 485-498 (2005).
  22. Probing two-dimensional magnetic switching in Co/SiO2 multilayers using recersible susceptibility experiments 
    L. Spinu, H. Pham, C. Radu, J. C. Denardin, I. Dimitru, M Knobel, L. F. Schelp, L. S. Dorneles, A. Stancu, Applied Physics Letters. 39, 1739-1748 (2005).
  23. Regularizations: Different prescriptions for idetidal situations 
    O. A. Battistel, G. Dallabona, E. Gambini, Brazilian Journal of Physics. 2B, 565-578 (2005).
  24. Representing intermittency in turbulence fluxes: An application to the stable atmospheric boundary layer 
    H. F. C. Velho, R. R. Rosa, G. A. Degrazia, F. M. Ramos, R. Pielke, Physica A – Statistical and Theorical Physics. 354, 86-94 (2005).
  25. Role of Hybridization in the Superconducting Properties of an Extended d-p Hubbard Model: A Detailed Numerical Study 
    E. J. Calegari, S. G. Magalhães, A. A. Gomes, Physica B – Condensed Matter. 359, 560-562 (2005).
  26. Scale ambiguities in a perturbative calculation and the value for the radiatively induced Chern-Simons term in extended QED 
    O. A. Battistel, G. Dallabona, Physical Review D. 72, 1-16 (2005).
  27. Semi-analytical model for pollution dispersion in the Planetary Boundary Layer 
    D> M. Moreira, U. Rizza, A. G. O. Goulart, M. T. Vilhena, Atmospheric Environment. 39, 2689-2697 (2005).
  28. Simulation of the dispersion of pllutants using two appproaches for the case of a low source in SBL: evaluation of turbulence parameterisations 
    D. M. Moreira, A. G. O. Goulart, J. C. Carvalho, T. Tirabassi, Water Air and Soil Pollution. 161, 285-297 (2005).
  29. Spin Glass and ferromagnetism in disordered Kondo lattice 
    S. G. Magalhães, F. M. Zimmer, P. R. Krebs, Physica B – Condensed Matter. 359, 717-719 (2005).
  30. Structural, magnetic and transport properties of discontinuous granular multi-layes 
    L. F. Schelp, J. C. Denardin, M. Knobel, L. S. Dorneles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 294, 206-212 (2005).
  31. Study of CoFeSiB glass-covered amorphus microwires under applied stress 
    M. Carara, K. D. Sossmeier, A. D. C. Viegas, J. Geshev, H. Chiriac, R. L. Sommer, Journal of Applied Physics. 98, 33902-33906 (2005).
  32. Superconductivity in two dimensional extended Hubbard model 
    E. J. Calegari, S. G. Magalhães, A. A. Gomes, European Physical Journal B. 45, 485-496 (2005).
  33. Surface layer turbulence parameters over a complex terrain 
    O. L. L. Moraes, O. C. Acevedo, G.a. Degrazia, D. Anfossi, R. Silva, V. Anabor, Atmospheric Environment. 39, 3103-3112 (2005).
  34. Tehe effect of a pseudogap on the superconducting critical temperature and on the superconducting order parameter of the same symmetry 
    J. J. Rodriguez Nuñes, A. A. Schmidt, J. J. R. Nuñes, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 17, 323-340 (2005).
  35. The influence of the tip structure and the eletric field on BN nanocones 
    P. Piquini, M. P. Machado, R. Mota, Nanotechnology. 16, 302-306 (2005).
  36. Thick shells and stars in Majumdar-Papapetrou general relativity 
    V. T. Zanchin, A. K. G. Oliveira, J. P. S. Lemos, Gravitation & Cosmology. 11, 269-276 (2005).