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Professor do PPGRI participa do Latin American Studies Association Congress

O Professor Ademar Pozzatti participou do American Studies Association Congress, em Boston (EUA), de 24 a 27 de Maio,  na área da ciência política/relações internacionais. A Associação de Estudos Latino-Americanos (LASA _ Latin American Studies Association) é a maior associação profissional do mundo composta de instituições e especialistas de todas as áreas dedicados ao estudo da América Latina, somando mais de 12.000 sócios, dentre os quais mais de 65% residem fora dos Estados Unidos. 

Neste ano o professor participou do painel “New Venues for Diplomacy and Cooperations” com o paper “Geography and architecture of the South American international cooperation for the enforcement of human rights: the challenges of translating international law into public policy”. O tema do congresso, “Nuestra América: Justiça e Inclusão”, teve como referência o ensaio “Nuestra América” de José Martí, publicado em 1891 em resposta a primeira Conferência Pan-Americana (1890), que propunha o Pan-americanismo como um forma de conectar as Américas.

Assim, o congresso apontou para os desafios colocados por questões sociais, econômicas, raciais, étnicas, de gênero, sexualidade e de outras espécies; para a necessidade de promover soluções criativas para superá-los; para a importância da academia, do ativismo e da política neste sentido; para a relevância das alterações demográficas que tornam pessoas historicamente marginalizadas uma maioria no continente, e para o reconhecimento de suas amplas contribuições culturais, linguísticas, políticas, sociais e econômicas; para uma definição inclusiva de justiça que repouse sobre a verdade e incorpore respeito e dignidade para todos; e para uma compreensão ampla de direitos, tanto coletivos quanto individuais (informações fornecidas pelo site).


Abstract do paper “Geography and architecture of the South American international cooperation for the enforcement of human rights: the challenges of translating international law into public policy”

“This research investigates the impact of international law on the domestic social and political organization by producing a systematic, grounded and objective reflection about the mechanisms of international cooperation effectively put into practice between Brazil and the South American countries and inquiry if there is a link between these international cooperation regimes and the effective construction of local public policies. By investigating the geography of the cooperation, this research map where this cooperation is located and what are the topics covered by this iternational treaties in the three thematic selected: health, education and environment. By investigating the architecture of the cooperation, this research analyzes the role that actors and institutions play – or not – to build local public policies. Methodologically, the research conducts an extensive and detailed documentary analyze and empirical exploration combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The combination of quantitative (identification and classification of treaties, topics and institutions) and qualitative analyzes (case studies and international comparison) allows a broader interpretation of the impact of international law on the production of domestic public policies and if the cooperation is capable of producing local public policies. The research is developed in three stages. The first is a bibliographical review on the subject under analysis and an extensive documentary examination. The second stage is the verification of which initiatives were subject to appropriate legal treatment in the Brazilian legal system – institutional structure, regulatory framework and Brazilian jurisprudence. In the third stage, two regimes were chosen for qualitative analysis.”

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