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The UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA MARIA (Federal University of Santa Maria) informs the opening of a public edict for the SELECTION OF FOREIGN VISITING PROFESSORS in many knowledge areas. Applications can be submitted from 04/03/2018 to 04/22/2018 at www.ufsm.br/concurso, where all necessary information is also available. The requirements for application are: having a PhD degree for at least five years; minimum of three years of teaching experience; acknowledged expertise in the selection area/subarea and relevant scientific production, preferably in the last five years. After the submission, the applicants shall send the documentation via international registered mail. The selection will be made through the analysis of the Curriculum Vitae. The payment of the visiting professor is the same as the full professor (PhD with exclusive dedication). The duration of the contract will be of 24 (twenty four) months, and can be extended for the same period for foreign professors.