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One Health

The concept of health has been modified to reflect the inseparable relationship between animal, human and environmental health, with the proposal of a new concept— One Health. In order to implement the concept of One Health, a transdisciplinary approach is essential, resulting in actions to guarantee food safety, reduce the risks of zoonoses and other threats to public health (such as cancer and metabolic diseases) in the man-animal-ecosystem interface. Thus, the convergence between animal health and human health in the search for new solutions is the essence of One Health. The integration of professionals from different areas of knowledge, such as animal health, human health, food safety,plant health and the environment is essential to overcome the barrier that separates these areas and enable the knowledge / tools / approaches generated in one area to accelerate the progress of the others and provide more efficient promotion of public health. 


In this sense, the knowledge generated in the areas of Veterinary and Animal Reproduction and Nutrition can contribute to advances in human nutrition, health and development. By articulating between these different areas, it is possible to find more rational and effective ways to solve the problems faced in a world in constant development. This theme encompasses two projects: Animal health and welfare and pharmacological and nutritional strategies for health promotion. the knowledge generated in the areas of Veterinary and Animal Reproduction and Nutrition can contribute to advances in human nutrition, health and development. This theme encompasses two projects: Animal health and welfare and pharmacological and nutritional strategies for health promotion.