Applications are invited for the selection running at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems of the University of Florence – Italy for the award of 1 research fellowship grant, with a duration of 12 months and renewable
in the field Agricoltural economics and rural appraisal (SSD AGR01)
to carry on research activities within the project entitled “Oliviculture Innovation of precision: Economics assessments ”, according to the annexed Activity Programme.
The activities shall be carried out under the supervision of a Tutor identified by the Department as Prof. Enrico Marone, starting from 01/03/2017.
The main location of the research work will be: Dipartimento di Gestione dei Sistemi Agrari, Alimentari e Forestali (GESAAF) Viale delle Cascine n. 18 – 50144 Firenze.
In attachemnt we enclosed more details about Requirements for candidacy and for renewal and application form.
The deadline to submit application is: january 17, 2017
Attachment here.