Hotel Serra Azul - Gramado
27/10/2013 00:00 - 31/10/2013 00:00
On behalf of the organizing committee, I feel greatly honored to welcome you to the12th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP2013) of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP).
The conference will be held in Gramado, RS, Brazil, October 27th to 31st, 2013. The objectives are to provide high-quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology and fellowship.
Papers with new research results are being presented. I sincerely hope that COBEP2013 will not only provide you with the wonderful experience of a technology conference, but will also offer a place to meet old friends, make new contacts, and enjoy the Gaúcha culture.
Prof. Dr. José Renes Pinheiro
Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM
COBEP 2013 General-Chair
(1) Professional Registration includes: briefcase with all conference promotional material; entrance into all technical sessions; conference proceedings; coffee-breaks; opening cocktail; and confraternization dinner. Possibility to upload two papers.
(2) Student Registration includes: briefcase with all conference promotional material; entrance into all technical sessions; conference proceedings; coffee-breaks; and opening cocktail.
It is important to note that at least one author must pay the Professional Registration fee (until August 11th – final paper submission deadline) for the paper be published on Proceedings of COBEP 2013. The Professional Registration enables to upload two papers without additional cost.
For additional papers, a Publication Fee (R$ 250,00) must be paid for each paper.
Further information about other services and fees (tutorials, dinner, etc.) will be provided in the near future.
If you have any questions about registration, please contact the General Secretary Committee:
Registration Instructions
1. Go to:
2. If you are already registered in iSOBRAEP System, just login with your User IDand Password. If not, proceed to Register
3. Go to “FINANCIAL ÁREA box” at iSOBRAEP’s main menu
4. Click on [Cobep 2013 Registration] to proceed with the registration
4.1. Select your affiliation
4.2. Select the service “Conference Registration Fee [2013]”
4.3. Select the information for receipt: “Personal iSOBRAEP Profile” if you are a member, or “Other Data”
4.4. Click on [Go Next Step]
5. Please, confirm the description of desired service
5.1. Fill out the receipt’s data (if necessary) and click on [Create Bank Bill]
5.2. Click on [Go Next Step]
6. Click on [Print] to print your bank bill. Note: If the bill expired before your payment, discard it and create another one
7. After the payment, you must click on [NOTIFY TREASURER] option, and confirm the action by clicking on [Notify Bill Payment to Treasurer]. This action is needed to protect your paid bank bills from accidental discard
8. The treasurer will verify your payment with the bank in order to accept or decline your notification. You will be informed by email or through iSOBRAEP System.
Note: For additional services (e.g., Tutorials), steps from 3 to 8 must be repeated. Each addicional service will create a new bank bill, that must be paid and notified to treasurer
Centro de Tecnologia – CT
Av. Roraima, 1000, Camobi, Cidade Universitária
General Chair
Prof. José Renes Pinheiro
Tel: +55 55 32209497
Fax: +55 55 32208768
General Secretary
Prof. Luciano Schuch
Tel: +55 55 32209590
Financial Secretary
Prof. Cassiano Rech
Tel: +55 55 32209497