Auditório Wilson Aita - Santa Maria
23/03/2020 09:00 - 27/03/2020 12:00
Minicurso com duração de 15 horas relacionado com cálculos de equilíbrio de fases.
Público-alvo: Alunos/as de pós-graduação, de graduação e docentes da UFSM.
Sobre o palestrante
Prof. Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet has been with the Instituto Tecnologico de Aguascalientes since 2001 and is currently Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. He has worked as a research visitor at the Texas A&M University, USA (2003), National University of Singapore, Singapore (2010), Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan (2018). Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal (2018) and Universidad de la Serena, Chile (2019). He has published more than 155 papers in JCR journals (Citations: 1667, H-index: 21), 22 book chapters and several refereed conference proceedings in the broad areas of adsorption engineering and optimization, process systems engineering, modeling and optimization, and applied thermodynamics. Prof. Bonilla-Petriciolet co-edited five books published by John Wiley, Springer and INTECH. He has supervised 14 Ph.D. theses, 32 M.Sc. theses and 8 Postdoctoral fellows. Currently, he is an Associate Editor of Adsorption Science and Technology (from 2016) and reviewer for several international JCR journals. He has worked in several research projects granted by national and international agencies. His biography has been listed in “Who is Who” 27th – 33th editions and “Who is Who in Science and Engineering” 11th – 12th Editions.