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Produção Científica


  • DIAS, P.F. ; KRINDGES, A. ; MORAIS, C.V. ; ZIMMER, F.M. ; MOHYLNA, M. ; ŽUKOVIč ; SCHMIDT, M. . Residual entropy, bicriticality, and tricriticality in the frustrated Ising model on the honeycomb lattice. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 604, p. 172282, 2024.
  • ROOS, M. ; SCHMIDT, M. . The frustrated bilayer Ising model: A cluster mean-field approach. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 651, p. 129979, 2024.
  • SAMPAIO, L. F. ; CALEGARI, E. J. ; RODRÍGUEZ-NÚÑEZ, J. J. ; BANDYOPADHYAY, A. ; FARIAS, R. L. S. The interplay between a pseudogap and superconductivity in a two-dimensional Hubbard model. Physics Letters A, v. 517,  p. 129656, 2024.
  • DIAS, P.F. ; NIEDERLE, R.D. ; DE CASTRO, L.F. ; SCHMIDT, M. . Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in a frustrated spin-5/2 Ising hexagonal bipyramid. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 611, p. 172584, 2024.
  • ROOS, M. ; MUHL, I. F. ; SCHMIDT, M. ; MORAIS, C. V. ; ZIMMER, F. M. Effects of third-neighbor interactions on the frustrated quantum Ising model. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 109, p. 014144, 2024.


  • DIAS, P. F. ; SCHMIDT, M. Zigzag phase transition in the frustrated Ising honeycomb lattice. Physical Review B, v. 108, p. 014436, 2023.
  • KRINDGES, A. ; MORAIS, C.V. ; SCHMIDT, M. ; ZIMMER, F.M. Frustrated fermionic J1−J2. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 577, p. 170746, 2023.
  • ZIMMER, F M ; MOURÃO, R ; SCHMIDT, M ; TUMELERO, M A ; MAGALHAES, S G . Enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in geometrically frustrated cluster spin glass systems. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 35, p. 315801, 2023.
  • DIAS, P.F. ; NIEDERLE, R.D. ; TADIELO, P.P. ; KAR’OVÁ, K. ; SCHMIDT, M. Ground-state phase diagram, magneto-thermodynamic properties and magnetocaloric effect of a frustrated spin-1/2 Ising centred tetrakis hexahedron. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, v. 154, p. 115807, 2023.
  • ROSSATO, LEONARDO C. ; ZIMMER, F.M. ; MORAIS, C.V. ; SCHMIDT, M. The Ising bilayer honeycomb lattice: A cluster mean-field study. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 621, p. 128778, 2023.


  • LAUSMANN, A.C. ; CALEGARI, E.J. ; FAÚNDEZ, JULIÁN ; RISEBOROUGH, P.S. ; MAGALHAES, S.G. Magnetic transitions induced by pressure and magnetic field in a two-orbital- -electron model in cubic and tetragonal lattices. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 559, p. 169531, 2022.
  • SCHMIDT, M.; DIAS, P.F. ; ZIMMER, F.M. . Magnetic susceptibility of a ternary Ising nanoisland. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, v. 146, p. 115510, 2022.
  • SCHMIDT, M.; KOHLRAUSCH, G.L. ; ZIMMER, F.M. . The frustrated Ising model on the body-centered cubic lattice. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 1, p. 127126, 2022.
  • YUAN, XIAO ; RISEBOROUGH, P.S. ; CALEGARI, ELEONIR ; MAGALHAES, SERGIO . Enhanced Spin Orbit Interaction in Actinides. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES (PRINT), v. 2164, p. 012059, 2022.
  • ZIMMER, F.M. ; SILVA, W.C. ; SCHMIDT, M. ; Magalhaes, S.G. . Role of frustration in a weakly disordered checkerboard lattice. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 01, p. 169273, 2022.


  • YUAN, XIAO ; RISEBOROUGH, PETER S ; CALEGARI, ELEONIR J ; MAGALHAES, SERGIO G . Enhanced Spin-Orbit Coupling in the Underscreened Anderson Lattice Model of Itinerant 5f Metals. Electronic Structure, v. 3, p. 024009, 2021.
  • FAUNDEZ, J. ; MAGALHAES, S. G. ; CALEGARI, E. J. ; RISEBOROUGH, P. S. . Multicritical points in a model for 5f-electron systems under pressure and magnetic field. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 33, p. 295801, 2021.
  • FRANTZ, G. L. K. ; SCHMIDT, M. ; ZIMMER, F. M. . Thermally driven state in a spin-1 model with competing interactions. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 103, p. 032125, 2021.
  • SCHMIDT, M.; DIAS, P.F. . Correlated cluster mean-field theory for Ising-like spin systems. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 01, p. 125884, 2021.
  • SCHMIDT, M.; GODOY, P.F. . Phase transitions in the Ising antiferromagnet on the frustrated honeycomb lattice. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 01, p. 168151, 2021.  


  • F. GODOY, P. ; SCHMIDT, M. ; M. ZIMMER, F. . The Ising model on the layered J1-J2 square lattice. PHYSICS LETTERS A, v. 384, p. 126687, 2020.
  • SCHMIDT, M; ROMITTI, M V ; MAGALHAES, S G ; ZIMMER, F M . Field-induced glassy state in disordered cluster antiferromagnets. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 32, p. 035805, 2020.
  • RISEBOROUGH, PETER S ; MAGALHAES, SERGIO G ; CALEGARI, ELEONIR J ; CAO, GANG . Enhancement of the spin-orbit coupling by strong electronic correlations in transition and light actinide metallic compounds. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 32, p. 445601, 2020.
  • SCHMIDTH, M; ROMITTI, M V ; MAGALHAES, S G ; ZIMMER, F M . Field-induced glassy state in disordered cluster antiferromagnets. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 32, p. 035805, 2020.
  • MELLO, D.L.; CALEGARI, E. J. ; PRAUCHNER, L. C. ; Magalhães, S. G. . Effects of a -dependent Hybridisation on the Fermi surface of an extended dp Hubbard model. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, p. 1-12, 2020.
  • MAGALHAES, S. G.; LAUSMANN, A. C. ; CALEGARI, E. J. ; RISEBOROUGH, P. S. . Unfolding of antiferromagnetic phases and multicritical points in a two-orbital model for uranium compounds under pressure and magnetic field. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 101, p. 064407, 2020.  


  • FRANTZ, G.L.K. ; SCHMIDTH,M ; ZIMMER, F. M. . Glassy behavior induced by magnetic field in a weakly disordered antiferromagnet. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 516, p. 464-471, 2019.
  • KELLERMANN, N. ; SCHMIDT, M; ZIMMER, F. M. . Quantum Ising model on the frustrated square lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 99, p. 012134, 2019.


  • SCHMIDT, M; ZIMMER, F. M. ; Magalhaes, S.G. . Field-induced cluster spin glass and inverse symmetry breaking enhanced by frustration. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, v. 449, p. 440-446, 2018.
  • LAUSMANN, A. C.; CALEGARI, E.J. ; MAGALHAES, S.G. ; RISEBOROUGH, P. S. . Competing antiferromagnetic phases of the under-screened Anderson lattice model (INVITED). Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, v. 5, p. 86-89, 2018.


  • CALEGARI, ELEONIR JOÃO; MAGALHAES, SERGIO GARCIA ; RISEBOROUGH, PETER S. . Unusual magnetic field-dependence of a possible hidden order phase. npj Quantum Materials, v. 2, p. 1/48, 2017.
  • Magalhaes, S. G. ; MORAIS, C. V. ; Zimmer, F. M. ; LAZO, M. J. ; NOBRE, F. D. . Nonlinear susceptibility of a quantum spin glass under uniform transverse and random longitudinal magnetic fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 95, p. 064201, 2017.
  • SCHMIDT, M; ZIMMER, F M ; MAGALHAES, S G . Spin liquid and infinitesimal-disorder-driven cluster spin glass in the kagome lattice. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Online), v. 29, p. 165801, 2017.
  • BERGER, I. C. ; ERICHSEN JR., R. ; Zimmer, F. M. ; Magalhaes, S. G. . Inverse freezing in a van Hemmen Fermionic Ising Spin Glass model under transverse and random magnetic fields. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, v. 97, p. 1-14, 2017.


  • SCHMIDT, M.; MORAIS, C. V. ; ZIMMER, F. M. . Effect of geometrical frustration on inverse freezing. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 93, p. 012147, 2016.
  • CALEGARI, E.J.; RODRÍGUEZ-NÚÑEZ, J.J. . Superconductivity in the presence of correlations. Physics Letters. A (Print), v. 380, p. 495-501, 2016.
  • ZIMMER, F. M. ; SCHMIDT, M. ; MAZIERO, JONAS . Quantum correlated cluster mean-field theory applied to the transverse Ising model. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 93, p. 062116, 2016.
  • MORAIS, C. V. ; Zimmer, F. M. ; LAZO, M. J. ; MAGALHÃES, S. G. ; NOBRE, F. D. . Spin-glass phase transition and behavior of nonlinear susceptibility in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with random fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 93, p. 224206, 2016.


  • Calegari, E J; LAUSMANN, A C ; MAGALHAES, S G ; Chaves, C M ; Troper, A . Pseudogap and the specific heat of high T superconductors: a Hubbard model in a n-pole approximation. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 592, p. 012075, 2015.
  • SCHMIDT, M. ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; MAGALHAES, S. G . Weak randomness in geometrically frustrated systems: spin-glasses. Physica Scripta, v. 90, p. 025809, 2015.
  • LAUSMANN, A. C. ; CALEGARI, E. J. ; MAGALHÃES, S. G./ MAGALHÃES S. ; CHAVES, C. M. ; TROPER, A. . Interplay Between Condensation Energy, Pseudogap, and the Specific Heat of a Hubbard Model in a $$n$$ n -Pole Approximation. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, v. 179, p. 94-100, 2015.
  • SCHMIDT, M. ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Spin glass induced by infinitesimal disorder in geometrically frustrated kagome lattice. Physica. A (Print), v. 438, p. 416-423, 2015.
  • CHAVES, C. M. ; CALEGARI, E.  ; Magalhães, S. G. ; A. Troper . Ferromagnetism in two band metals: The very strong coupling limit. Physica. B, Condensed Matter (Print), v. 474C, p. 77-80, 2015.


  • MORAIS, C. V. ; M. J. Lazo ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; KREBS, P.R. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Spin-1 Hopfield model under a random field. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), v. 89, p. 012146, 2014.
  • RISEBOROUGH, PETER S. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. ; CALEGARI, E.J. . Signatures of broken spin-rotational invariance in the -Hidden Ordered- compound URu Si ?. Philosophical Magazine (2003. Print), v. 94, p. 1-18, 2014.
  • ZIMMER, F. M.; SCHMIDT, M. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Correlated cluster mean-field theory for spin-glass systems. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), v. 89, p. 062117, 2014.
  • RISEBOROUGH, PETER S. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. ; CALEGARI, E.J. . A minimal model for -Hidden Order- in URu 2 Si 2. Philosophical Magazine (2003. Print), v. 95, p. 516-524, 2014.
  • ZIMMER, F. M.; C. F. Silva ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. ; LACROIX, C. . Interplay between spin-glass clusters and geometrical frustration. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), v. 89, p. 022120, 2014.
  • MAZIERO, JONAS. Distribution of Mutual Information in Multipartite States. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), v. 44, p. 194-201, 2014.


  • CALEGARI, E. J.; LOBO, C. O. ; Magalhães, S. G. ; CHAVES, C. M. ; A. Troper . Specific heat of a non-local attractive Hubbard model. Physics Letters. A (Print), p. 1637-1642, 2013.
  • Morais, C.V. ; LAZO, M.J. ; Zimmer, F.M. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Inverse transitions in the Ghatak¿Sherrington model with bimodal random fields. Physica. A (Print), v. 392, p. 1770-1775, 2013.
  • CALEGARI, E. ; MAGALHAES, S. G. ; CHAVES, C. M. ; A. Troper . Pseudogap and the specific heat of high Tc superconductors. Solid State Communications, v. 158, p. 20-24, 2013.
  • Magalhaes, S.G. ; Zimmer, F.M. ; COQBLIN, B. . Spin-glass freezing in Kondo-lattice compounds in the presence of a random and a transverse magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 339, p. 30-35, 2013.
  • Maziero, J.; Auccaise, R. ; Céleri, L. C. ; SOARES-PINTO, D. O. ; DEAZEVEDO, E. R. ; BONAGAMBA, T. J. ; SARTHOUR, R. S. ; OLIVEIRA, I. S. ; Serra, R. M. . Quantum Discord in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Systems at Room Temperature. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), v. 43, p. 86-104, 2013.


  • Calegari, E J; Lobo, C O ; Magalhães, S G ; Chaves, C M ; Troper, A . Many-body effects in high-Tc materials: anomalous properties in the pseudogap region. Superconductor Science and Technology (Print), v. 25, p. 025011, 2012.
  • ZIMMER, F. M.; Berger, I.C. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Inverse freezing in the van Hemmen fermionic Ising spin glass with a transverse magnetic field. Physics Letters. A (Print), v. 376, p. 566-572, 2012.
  • Aguilar, G. ; Jiménez Farías, O. ; Maziero, J. ; Serra, R. ; Souto Ribeiro, P. ; Walborn, S. . Experimental Estimate of a Classicality Witness via a Single Measurement. Physical Review Letters (Print), v. 108, p. 063601, 2012.
  • MORAIS, C. V. ; M. J. Lazo ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Inverse freezing in the Ghatak-Sherrington model with a random field. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), v. 85, p. 031133-031133-6, 2012.
  • Maziero, J.; Céleri, L.C. ; Serra, R.M. ; Sarandy, M.S. . Long-range quantum discord in critical spin systems. Physics Letters. A (Print), v. 376, p. 1540-1544, 2012.
  • CHAVES, C. M. ; CALEGARI, E. J. ; MAGALHAES, S. G. ; A. Troper . Magnetic properties of correlated one-band metals: the effect of the Roth band shift in the single site approximation. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 391, p. 012087, 2012.
  • MAGALHAES, S. G ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; COQBLIN, B. . THE SPIN GLASS-KONDO COMPETITION IN DISORDERED CERIUM SYSTEMS. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, v. 11, p. 38-48, 2012.
  • C. F. Silva ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; MAGALHAES, S. G ; LACROIX, C. . Inverse freezing in a cluster Ising spin-glass model with antiferromagnetic interactions. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), v. 86, p. 051104, 2012.
  • SOARES-PINTO, D. O. ; Auccaise, R. ; Maziero, J. ; GAVINI-VIANA, A. ; Serra, R. M. ; Celeri, L. C. . On the quantumness of correlations in nuclear magnetic resonance. Philosophical Transactions – Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (Online), v. 370, p. 4821-4836, 2012.
  • MAZIERO, JONAS ; ZIMMER, FÁBIO . Genuine multipartite system-environment correlations in decoherent dynamics. Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Online), v. 86, p. 042121, 2012.
  • Magalhaes, S G ; Zimmer, F M ; Coqblin, B . A theoretical study of the spin glass-Kondo-magnetic disordered alloys in the presence of a random field. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 391, p. 012038, 2012.


  • Soares-Pinto, D. ; Moussa, M. ; Maziero, J. ; deAzevedo, E. ; Bonagamba, T. ; Serra, R. ; Céleri, L. . Equivalence between Redfield- and master-equation approaches for a time-dependent quantum system and coherence control. Physical Review. A, v. 83, p. 062336, 2011.
  • ZIMMER, F. M.; Magalhaes, S G ; COQBLIN, B. . A Kondo cluster-glass model for spin glass Cerium alloys. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 273, p. 012069, 2011.
  • CALEGARI, E. J.; Magalhães, S G ; Chaves, C M ; Troper, A . Superconductivity in an extended Hubbard model with attractive interaction. Superconductor Science and Technology (Print), v. 24, p. 035004, 2011.
  • Auccaise, R. ; Maziero, J. ; Céleri, L. ; Soares-Pinto, D. ; deAzevedo, E. ; Bonagamba, T. ; Sarthour, R. ; Oliveira, I. ; Serra, R. . Experimentally Witnessing the Quantumness of Correlations. Physical Review Letters (Print), v. 107, p. 070501, 2011.
  • MORAIS, C. V. ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; MAGALHÃES, S.G. . Inverse freezing in the Hopfield fermionic Ising spin glass with a transverse magnetic field. Physics Letters. A (Print), v. 375, p. 689-697, 2011.
  • Auccaise, R. ; Céleri, L. ; Soares-Pinto, D. ; deAzevedo, E. ; Maziero, J. ; Souza, A. ; Bonagamba, T. ; Sarthour, R. ; Oliveira, I. ; Serra, R. . Environment-Induced Sudden Transition in Quantum Discord Dynamics. Physical Review Letters (Print), v. 107, p. 140403, 2011.
  • CALEGARI, E. J.; MAGALHAES, S. G. . SPECTRAL FUNCTION OF A d-p HUBBARD MODEL. International Journal of Modern Physics B, v. 25, p. 41-53, 2011.
  • MAGALHÃES, S.G. ; ZIMMER, F. M. ; COQBLIN, B. . The van Hemmen-Kondo model for disordered cerium systems. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print), v. 23, p. 094207, 2011.
  • Zimmer, F M; Silva, C F ; Morais, C V ; Magalhaes, S G . Inverse freezing in the cluster fermionic spin glass model with a transverse field. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, v. 2011, p. P05026, 2011.



  • Solução do Modelo SK utilizando o método de auto consistência – Denilson Toneto da Silva, 27/11/15, 10:30 – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Teoria de campo médio com clusters correlacionados aplicado a uma rede hexagonal ferromagnética – Wilson Mateus Sanches 20/11/15, 10:30 – CCNE/S1304B
  • Efeitos dos estudos de diferentes distribuições de desordem nas transições inversas – Gustavo L. Kohlrausch 13/11/15, 10:30 – CCNE/S1304B
  • Teoria de campo médio com cluster aplicada ao modelo de Blume-Capel ferromágnetico –  Helena Zirbes Maurer 30/10/15, 10:30 – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Modelo J1-J2 Ising com campo transverso – Nathan Kellermann 16/10/15, 10:30 – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Teoria de campo médio com clusters correlacionados aplicado a rede triângular– Diego Luan Ferreira da Silva 02/10/15, 10:30h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Medidas de Distâncias Entre Distribuição de Probabilidades – Lucas Camponogara Viera 18/09/15, 10:30h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Operador Densidade, Estado Térmico e Interação Dipolar – Douglas Franco Pinto11/09/15, 10:30h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Efeitos de frustração geométrica nas transições inversas – Mateus Schmidt 04/09/15, 10:30h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Estudo da Rede Triangular com Spin de ising – Diego Luan Ferreira da Silva 28/08/15, 10:30 – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Noção Introdutória ao Vidro de Spin – Marcos Vinicios Romitti 21/08/15, 10:30h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Comunicação, Darwinismo e Correlações Quânticas em Redes Fractais – Mauro Buemo Pozzobom 27/07/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Biologia Quântica: Fotossíntese – Alana dos Santos Both 20/07/15, 15h 30min – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Introdução ao Emaranhamento Quântico – Douglas Franco Pinto 06/07/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Medidas de distância entre distribuições de probabilidade_continuação_ – Lucas C. Viera 27/06/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Alguns tópicos sobre programação com Fortran – Leonardo F. Sampaio 22/06/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Medidas de distância entre distribuições de probabilidade – Lucas C. Viera 15/06/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Conhecendo a Máquina Enigma – Juli dos Santos 08/06/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Magnetic susceptibility of a minimal model for URu2Si2 – Ana Claudia Lausmann01/06/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Descrição teórica do diagrama de fases dos compostos de Fermions pesados a partir do modelo de Anderson Periódico – Diovana de Melo Lalis 25/05/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Geometric frustration and spin glass in kagome lattice – Mateus Schmidt, 18/05/15, 14h45min – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Generating pseudo-random quantum states: On the overparametrized method– Jonas Maziero, 11/05/15, 14h – CCNE/S1304B
  • Introdução ao estudo de Caos através de Diagramas de Bifurcação para um Oscilador de Chua Quadridimensional – Denilson Toneto da Silva, 04/05/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Teoria de campo médio com clusters + esquema de escala – Mateus Schmidt, 27/04/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Science without Borders: 7 months studying in UK – Tiago de Souza Farias, 13/04/2015, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Introdução a Criptografia – Lucas Luis Bergonsi Barcellos, 06/04/2015, 14h 30min – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Introdução a Teoria de Campo Médio – Diego Luan Ferreira da Silva, 30/03/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Entropia Residual: Porque sistemas frustrados permanecem desordenados em T=0– Mateus Schmidt, 23/03/15, 14h – CCNE/ S1304B
  • Generating pseudo-random probability vectors: On the normalization and trigonometric methods – Jonas Maziero, 16/03/15, 14h – CCNE/S1304B



  • O Método de Monte Carlo aplicado ao modelo de Ising antiferromagnético, Diego Luan Ferreira da Silva, 01/07/2013, 14h, CCNE-S1304A.
  • Uma introdução às Cadeias de MarkovMateus Schmidt, 08/07/2013, 14h, CCNE-S1304A.