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Journey on Minicourses UFSM-SM PES/PETEE

The 8th Seminar of Minicourses organized by the PET of the Electrical Engineering course in partnership with the IEEE Chapter UFSM PES had the objective of proposing several courses from November 5 to 16, 2018. In addition to helping in the organization of the event, the Chapter also had members who taught courses, as follows:

Speakers: Criciéle Martins and Pedro Marcolin

Date: November, 5 and 7

  1. OpenDSS: Open Distribution System Simulator (6 hours):
  • Demonstrate the OpenDSS simulation tool;
  • Basic functionalities, focusing on the analysis of distribution systems with and without distributed generation;
  • Demonstration of examples. 

Speakers: Guilherme Braga and Jean Rossini

Date: November, 5, 6, 12 and 13

  1. Design of electricity distribution networks (12 hours):
  • Theoretical and practical aspects related to the design of electricity distribution networks;
  • Calculation of voltage drop;
  • Sizing of structures and equipment;
  • Calculation of mechanical stresses;
  • Graphics distribution networks using AutoCAD.


Speakers: Leonardo N. Foutoura and Samuel Hunsche

Date: November

  1. Excel (9 hours):
  • Demonstrate the Excel tool;
  • Basic Functions (filters, panels, data classification, outline, basic operations, graphs, logical formulas, conditional formatting, obtaining external data, among others);
  • Demonstration of examples. 
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