Pesquisa Em Atividade
Contato: +55 (55) 3220-8000 Prédio: 9D – Departamento de Engenharia MecânicaPublicações
Os trabalhos realizados e apresentados pela equipe subdividem-se nas seguintes categorias:
1) Artigos completos publicados em periódicos ;
60. | DALLA NORA, MACKLINI; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON DIÓRDINIS METZKA ; MARTINS, MARIO EDUARDO SANTOS ; MACHADO, PAULO ROMEU MOREIRA ; ZHAO, HUA . Experimental investigation of the air-fuel charging process in a four-valve supercharged two-stroke cycle GDI engine. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 41, p. 132, 2019. |
59. | FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; GOLKE, D. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; SALAU, N.P.G. . An investigation on performance and combustion characteristics of pure n-butanol and a blend of n-butanol/ethanol as fuels in a spark ignition engine. ENERGY, v. 176, p. 521-530, 2019. |
58. | WITTEK, KARSTEN ; GEIGER, FRANK ; ANDERT, JAKOB ; MARTINS, MARIO ; COGO, VITOR ; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON. Experimental investigation of a variable compression ratio system applied to a gasoline passenger car engine. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, v. 183, p. 753-763, 2019. |
57. | DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON DIÓRDINIS METZKA ; MARTINS, MARIO EDUARDO SANTOS ; MACHADO, Paulo Romeu Moreira ; Zhao, Hua . Experimental investigation of the air-fuel charging process in a four-valve supercharged two-stroke cycle GDI engine. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 41, p. 112, 2019. |
56. | MOSLEMIN KOUPAIE, MOHAMMADMOHSEN ; CAIRNS, ALASDAIR ; XIA, JUN ; VAFAMEHR, HASSAN ; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON . Cyclically resolved flame and flow imaging in an alcohol fuelled SI engine. FUEL, v. 237, p. 874-887, 2019. |
55. | KOUPAIE, MOHAMMADMOHSEN MOSLEMIN ; CAIRNS, ALASDAIR ; VAFAMEHR, HASSAN ; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON DIORDINIS METZKA . A study of hydrous ethanol combustion in an optical central direct injection spark ignition engine. APPLIED ENERGY, v. 237, p. 258-269, 2019. |
54. | SINIGAGLIA, TIAGO ; FREITAG, TIAGO EVALDO ; KREIMEIER, FELIPE ; MARTINS,MARIO EDUARDO SANTOS . Use of patents as a tool to map the technological development involving the hydrogen economy. WORLD PATENT INFORMATION, v. 56, p. 1-8, 2019. |
53. | DALLA NORA, MACKLINI; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON DIÓRDINIS METZKA ; ZHAO, HUA . Investigation of performance and combustion characteristics of a four-valve supercharged two-stroke DI engine fuelled with gasoline and ethanol. FUEL, v. 227, p. 401-411, 2018. |
52. | SARI, R. ; GOLKE, D. ; ENZWEILLER, H. J. ; Salau, N. ; PEREIRA, F. M. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. . Exploring optimal operating conditions for wet ethanol use in spark ignition engines. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, v. 138, p. 523-533, 2018. |
51. | LANZANOVA, THOMPSON ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; ZHAO, HUA . Investigation of Early and Late Intake Valve Closure Strategies for Load Control in a Spark Ignition Ethanol Engine. SAE International Journal of Engines, v. 10, p. 2017-01-0643, 2017. |
50. | GARCIA, A. ; MONSALVE-SERRANO, J. ; ROSO, V. R. ; MARTINS, M. . Evaluating the emissions and performance of two dual-mode RCCI combustion strategies under the World Harmonized Vehicle Cycle (WHVC). ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, v. 149, p. 263-274, 2017. |
49. | SINIGAGLIA, T. ; LEWISKY, F. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; SILUK, J. C. M. . Production, storage, fuel stations of hydrogen and its utilization in automotive applications-a review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 43, p. 23402, 2017. |
48. | SINIGAGLIA, T. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; LEWISKY, F. . Viability and impacts of hydrogen economy in mobility – a review. In: 27º Congresso e Mostra Internacionais SAE BRASIL de Tecnologia da Mobilidade, 2017, São Paulo. SAE Technical Papers, 2017. |
47. | LEWISKY, F. ; ANTOLINI, J. B. V. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; MACHADO, P. R. M. ; COLGO, V. V. ; PRANTE, G. . Performance and emissions analysis of a Diesel engine fueled with pre-heated soybean oil. In: 26º Congresso e Mostra Internacionais SAE BRASIL de Tecnologia da Mobilidade, 2017. SAE Technical Papers, 2017. |
46. | FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S.; SARI, R.L.; MARTINS, M.E.S.; SALAU, N.P.G. Comparative analysis of different heat transfer correlations in a two-zone combustion model applied on a SI engine fueled with wet ethanol. Applied Thermal Engineering, v.115: 22 – 32, 2017. |
45. | FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; SARI, R.L. ; MAYER, F.D. ; MARTINS, M.E.S.; SALAU, N.P.G . Determination of optimal wet ethanol composition as a fuel in spark ignition engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 112, p. 317-325, 2017. |
44. | PEDROZO, VINÍCIUS B. ; MAY, IAN ; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON D.M. ; ZHAO, HUA . Potential of internal EGR and throttled operation for low load extension of ethanol-diesel dual-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion on a heavy-duty engine. Fuel (Guildford), v. 179, p. 391-405, 2016. |
43. | ROSO, VINÍCIUS RÜCKERT ; DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; SANTOS MARTINS, MARIO EDUARDO ; MOREIRA MACHADO, PAULO ROMEU . Consumo de combustível e emissões de poluentes em um motor Diesel convertido a etanol para geração térmica de energia elétrica. Semina. Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas (Online), v. 37, p. 131, 2016. |
42. | TIBOLA, J.R. ; SARI, R.L. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; PINHEIRO, H. . Modeling and Control of a Low-Cost Driver For an Eddy Current Dynamometer. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, v. 27, p. 368-378, 2016. |
41. | GOLKE, D. ; FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; SALAU, N.P.G. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . Combustion Performance of n-Butanol, Hydrous Ethanol and their Blends as Potential Surrogates for the Brazilian Gasoline. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 1, 2016. |
40. | ROSO, V. R. ; DALLA NORA, M. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; MACHADO, P. R. M. . Consumo de combustível e emissões de poluentes em um motor Diesel convertido a etanol para geração térmica de energia elétrica. Semina. Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas (Impresso), v. 37, p. 131-142, 2016. |
39. | MARTINS, M. ; GUSBERTI, F. ; FISCHER, I. . Diesel exhaust heat recovery o promote HCCI od wet ethanol on dedicated cylinders. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 2, p. 1, 2016. |
38. | BORTOLUZZI, L.I. ; BUENOS, A. ; MARTINS, M. . Formula SAE chassis design to improve suspension tunning. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 2, p. 1, 2016. |
37. | MARTINS, M. ; SCHOMMER, A. ; OGLIARI, A. . Affordance-based design of a tool for tire data analysis. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 11, p. 1, 2016. |
36. | MARTINS, M. ; ZIENTARSKY, R.R. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. ; DORNELLES, H.M. ; ANTOLINI, J.B.V. ; NORA, M.D. . Analysis of Engine performance and combustion characteristic of different blends of Diesel and Biodiesel in a compression ignition engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 2, p. 1, 2016. |
35. | DALLA NORA, MACKLINI; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON DIÓRDINIS METZKA ; ZHAO, HUA . Effects of valve timing, valve lift and exhaust backpressure on performance and gas exchanging of a two-stroke GDI engine with overhead valves. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 123, p. 71-83, 2016. |
34. | SARI, R. L.; GOLKE, D.; ENZWEILER, H. J.; SANTOS, K. F.; Salau N.P.G.; MARTINS, M. E. S.; PEREIRA, F. M. Investigation of compression ratio effect on wet ethanol usage for spark Ignition engines. SAE Technical Papers, v. 1, p. 2017-36-0208, 2017. |
33. | ROSO, V.R. ; MARTINS, M. . Simulation of fuel consumption and emissions for passenger cars and urban buses in real-world driving cycles. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 2, p. 1, 2016. |
32. | LANZANOVA, THOMPSON DIÓRDINIS METZKA ; DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; ZHAO, HUA . Performance and economic analysis of a direct injection spark ignition engine fueled with wet ethanol. Applied Energy, v. 169, p. 230-239, 2016 |
31. | ROSO, V.R. ; DALLA NORA, M. ; SANTOS MARTINS, M.E.; MOREIRA MACHADO, P.R. . Consumo de combustível e emissões de poluentes em um motor Diesel convertido a etanol para geração térmica de energia elétrica. Semina. Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas (Online), v. 37, p. 131, 2016. |
30. | TIBOLA, J.R. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; GRÜNDLING, H.A. ; PINHEIRO, HUMBERTO . Modeling and speed control design of an ethanol engine for variable speed gensets. Control Engineering Practice, v. 35, p. 54-66, 2015. |
29. | PEDROZO, VINÍCIUS B. ; MAY, IAN ; DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; CAIRNS, ALASDAIR ; ZHAO, HUA . Experimental analysis of ethanol dual-fuel combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine: An optimisation at low load. Applied Energy, v. 165, p. 166-182, 2016. |
28. | AMBRÓS, W.M. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; SARI, R.L. ; PINHEIRO, D.K. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; SALAU, N.P.G. . Experimental analysis and modeling of internal combustion engine operating with wet ethanol. Fuel (Guildford), v. 158, p. 270-278, 2015. |
27. | FAGUNDEZ, J. L. S.; APIO, A.; SALAU, N. P. G. ExpEngine: A Matlab® Add-On for the Simulation of the Combustion Cycle in a SI Engine Using Wet Ethanol. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2015-36-0481, 2015. |
26. | GEHLEN, C. O. ; APIO, A. ; KOCH, G. G. ; FRANCHI, C.M. ; HOFFMANN, R. ; SALAU, N. P. G. Implementation of an Indirect Control Structure for Composition in a Hybrid Distillation Column. Separation Science and Technology, v. 50, p. 2532-2544, 2015. |
25. | MARTINS, M. ; LANZANOVA, T. ; SARI, R. . Low cost wet Ethanol for spark-ignited engines: further investigations. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, v. 8, p. 367-373, 2015.
24. | MARTINS, M.E.S. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. . Full-load Miller cycle with Ethanol and EGR. Potential benefits and challenges. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 90, p. 274-285, 2015. |
23. | ROSO, VINÍCIUS RÜCKERT ; MARTINS, MARIO . Evaluation of a Real-World Driving Cycle and its Impacts on Fuel Consumption and Emissions. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 11, p. 1, 2015. |
22. | SOLIMAN, P.A. ; MARTINS, M. ; SCHOMMER, ADRIANO . Formula SAE Aerodynamics: Design process with focus on drivability. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 2, p. 1, 2015. |
21. | FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; SANTOS MARTINS, MARIO EDUARDO ; SALAU, N. . Study of Wet Ethanol Energy Balance: From Production to Fuel. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 2, p. 1, 2015. |
20. | DALLA NORA, MACKLINI; ZHAO, HUA . High load performance and combustion analysis of a four-valve direct injection gasoline engine running in the two-stroke cycle. Applied Energy, v. 159, p. 117-131, 2015. |
19. | TATSCH, G.A. ; TAGLIEBER, V.H. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; SARI, R. ; GORCK, C.L.C. ; MARTINS, MARIO . Cylinder Pressure Based Engine Calibration of a Formula SAE Racing Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2, 2014. |
18. | FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; SALAU, N. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. . Heat Transfer Evaluation of an Internal Combustion Engine Operating at Wet Ethanol Fuel – Part B. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2, 2014. |
17. | FAGUNDEZ, J.L.S. ; SALAU, N. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. . Heat Transfer Evaluation of an Internal Combustion Engine Operating using Wet Ethanol Fuel – Part A. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 3, 2014. |
16. | PACHECO, A.F. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; Zhao, Hua . NEDC Simulation of a passenger car with a HCCI engine: emissions and fuel consuption results. Fuel (Guildford), v. 1, p. 1, 2013. |
15. | SARI, R. ; FREITAG, T. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M; MICHELS, L. ; VIELMO, H.A. ; MARTINS, M. . Performance analysis of a spark ignition engine running on various water-in-ethanol mixtures. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 1, 2013. |
14. | TIBOLA, J.R. ; PEREIRA, A.T. ; NORA, M.D. ; MARTINS, M. ; GRUNDLING, H.A. ; PINHEIRO, H. . Speed control for ethanol engine of variable speed gensets, v. 1, p. 3764-3769, 2013. |
13. | TIBOLA, J.R. ; PEREIRA, A.T. ; NORA, M.D. ; MARTINS, M. . Modeling and control of an ethanol Variable Speed Genset. Power Electronics Conference (COBEP), 2013 Brazilian, v. 1, p. 705-711, 2013. |
12. | LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; SARI, R. ; VIELMO, H.A. ; DORNELLES, H.M. ; MICHELS, L. ; TATSCH, G.A. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . Single-Cylinder Otto Engine Running on Different Water-in-Ethanol Mixtures. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 1, 2013. |
11. | PACHECO, A.F. ; TIBOLA, J. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . The use of a mean value model to achieve the best efficiency for a variable speed generator coupled to a Diesel engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2012-36-0333, 2012. |
10. | MARTINS, M. ; Zhao, Hua . Performance and emissions of a 4-cylinder gasoline engine with controlled auto-ignition . Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 34, p. 436-440, 2012. |
9. | ROSO, V.R. ; BALLEN, G. ; FROHLICH, G.K. ; NORA, M.D. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. . Combustion Analysis of a Diesel engine using computer simulation. SAE Technichal Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2012-36-0370, 2012. |
8. | NORA, M.D. ; TIBOLA, J.R. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. ; GRÜNDLING, H.A. . Simulation and Experimental Results of a Diesel Engine Operating with Fumigated Ethanol Fuel. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2012-36-0292, 2012. |
7. | REFFATTI, T. ; BRONDANI, L.M. ; MEURER, A.P. ; ROMANO, L.N. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. . Simulation Results of an Ethanol Fueled Aircraft Engine. International Review of Mechanical Engineering (Testo Stampato), v. 6, p. 1, 2012. |
6. | SOUZA, D. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . The Use of Computer Simulation for Development of a Four-Cylinder Race Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2011-36-0095, 2011. |
5. | CAMARGO, M.N. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . Motor Eletrônico. Cultivar Máquinas, v. 100, p. 14-16, 2010. |
4. | HAUSEN, R.B. ; ROMANO, L.N. ; FIORESE, D.A. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . Etanol é economia nos ares. Granja (Porto Alegre), v. 743, p. 34-36, 2010. |
3. | HAUSEN, R.B. ; ROMANO, L.N. ; SCHLOSSER, J.F. ; T JUNIOR, A.L. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . Efficient Ethanol Engines in Agricultural Aviation. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2010-36-0398, 2010. |
2. | MARTINS, M.E.S. ; Zhao, Hua . 4-stroke multi-cylinder gasoline engine with controlled auto-ignition (CAI) combustion: a comparison between naturally aspirated and turbocharged operation. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2008-36-0305, 2008. |
1. | MARTINS, M.E.S. ; Zhao, Hua . Experimental studies of a 4-stroke multi-cylinder gasoline engine with controlled auto-ignition (CAI) combustion. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 2007-01-2609, 2007. |
2) Capítulos de livros publicados ;
- MARTINS, M.E.S . A combustão por autoignição controlada CAI/HCCI. Motores de combustão interna, v. 1, 1 ed.: Edgard Blucher, p. 431-436.
- MASSAGARDI, M.A. ; TROLESI, F.C. ; WINDLIN, F.L. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; TRIELLI, M.A. . Sistema de injeção para motores Diesel. 1ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blucher, 2012, v. 2, p. 27-45.
- In: Hua Zhao. (Org.). Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development, Vol. 1 – Gasoline and Gas Engines. 1ed. Londres: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2009, v. 1, p. 229-259.
3) Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos ;
48.SIMOES, J. M. ; COUTINHO, E. B. ; SCHWAAB, M. ; SALAU, N. P. G. Produção de Butanol a Partir de Etanol Utilizando Óxidos Mistos de Mg e Al. In: 19º Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise, 2017, Ouro Preto. Anais do 19º Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise, 2017. |
47.MENDONCA, L. S. ; LUCEIRO, D. ; BISOGNO, F. E. ; MARTINS, M. . DevelopmentofanEngineControl Unit: ImplementationoftheArchitectureofTasks. In: 2017 IEEE InternationalConferenceon Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2017. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2017. |
46.COLGO, V. V. ; NORA, M. D. ; ARONIS, A. N. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. . EFFECTS OF INJECTION TIMING ON PERFORMANCE, COMBUSTION AND EMISSIONS OF A GASOLINE DI ENGINE. In: 24th ABCM InternationalCongressofMechanicalEngineering, 2017, Curitiba. 24th ABCM InternationalCongressofMechanicalEngineering, 2017. |
45.MARTINS, MARIO; FISCHER, I. ; GUSBERTI, F. ; SARI, R. . HCCI ofWetEthanolon a DedicatedCylinderof a Diesel Engine. In: WCX? 17: SAE World Congress Experience , 2017, Detroit-EUA. Technicalpaperpublishedat WCX 17: SAE World Congress Experience , 2017. |
44.FAGUNDEZ, J. L. S; COSTA, J. P. L.; GOLKE, D.; MAYER, F. D.; MARTINS, M. E. S; SALAU, N. P. G. Avaliação e validação computacional do ciclo energético do etanol hidratado entre a produção por destilação e a queima em um motor ciclo Otto. In: XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2016, Fortaleza. Anais do XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2016. |
43.SILVEIRA, CHRISTIAN L.; SALAU, NINA P. G. Modeling a batch distillationcolumn for butanol/ethanol/waterseparation. In: XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2016, Fortaleza. Anais XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2016. |
39.MAGNAGO, H. S. ; TIBOLA, J. R. ; DALLA NORA, M. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; PINHEIRO, H. . Modelagem e controle de velocidade de um gerador a etanol operando com velocidade variável. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018, João Pessoa. Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018. |
EXHAUST HEAT RECOVERY. In: Congresso SAE Brasil, 2018. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2018. |
37.LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; ZHAO, H. ; DALLA NORA, M. . Advanced valve timing strategies for high efficiency SI operation with ethanol. In: ENCOM – International congress on engine combustion processes, 2017, Ludwigsburg. Motorische Verbrennung – ENCOM, 2017. |
36.MARTINS, MARIO ; FISCHER, IVANIR ; GUSBERTI, FRANCIEL ; SARI, RAFAEL ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA . HCCI of Wet Ethanol on a Dedicated Cylinder of a Diesel Engine. In: WCX 17: SAE World Congress Experience, 2017. |
35.DALLA NORA, M.; DONADEL, L. R. ; SARI, R. L. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; ZHAO, H. . ANÁLISE DE DESEMPENHO E EMISSÕES DE UM MOTOR DO CICLO DE DOIS-TEMPOS COM VÁLVULAS NO CABEÇOTE E INJEÇÃO DIRETA DE COMBUSTÍVEL. In: XXV Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotiva, 2017, São Paulo. Blucher Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2017. v. 4. p. 448 |
34.SARI, R. L. ; NORA, M. D. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; ENZWEILER, H. J. ; GOLKE, D. ; DOS SANTOS, K. . INVESTIGAÇÃO DO USO DE ELEVADAS RAZÕES DE COMPRESSÃO COM ETANOL HIDRATADO ATRAVÉS DA ANÁLISE DE LIBERAÇÃO DE CALOR. In: XXV Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotiva, 2017, São Paulo. Blucher Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2017. v. 4. p. 569. |
33.ARONIS, ANDRÉ N. ; COGO, VITOR V. ; Nora, Mackilini Dalla ; MARTINS, MARIO E. S. ; LEWISKI, FELIPE V. . Encoderless Data Acquisition System Applied to the Combustion Analysis of an Engine Operating on HCCI Combustion Mode. In: 26th SAE BRASIL Inernational Congress and Display, 2017, São Paulo, 2017. |
32.LANZANOVA, THOMPSON ; DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; ARONIS, ANDRÉ ; MARTINS, MARIO ; COGO, VITOR . Effects of injection timing on performance, combustion and emissions of a gasoline DI engine. In: 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, Curitiba. Procceedings of the 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2017 |
31.MARTINS, M. ; FISCHER, I. ; GUSBERTI, F. ; SARI, R. . HCCI of Wet Ethanol on a Dedicated Cylinder of a Diesel Engine. In: WCX? 17: SAE World Congress Experience, 2017, Detroit-EUA. Technical paper published at WCX? 17: SAE World Congress Experience , 2017. |
30.ANDRADE, F. B. ; MACHADO, H. M. F. ; ROSA, L. C. ; DALLA NORA, M. ; ZANINI, R. R. . Aplicação da metodologia Box-Jenkins na previsão de consumo para a produção brasileira de biodiesel. In: XVII SEPROSUL – Semana de Engenharia de Produção Sul Americana, 2017, Santa Maria. Anais XVII SEPROSUL, 2017 |
29.MENDONCA, L. S. ; LUCEIRO, D. ; BISOGNO, F.E. ; MARTINS, M. . Development of an Engine Control Unit: Implementation of the Architecture of Tasks. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2017. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2017. |
28.DORNELLES, HENRIQUE ; ANTOLINI, JÁCSON ; SARI, RAFAEL ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; MACHADO, PAULO ROMEU ; MARTINS, MARIO . Analysis of Engine Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Diesel and Biodiesel blends in a Compression Ignition Engine. In: 25th SAE BRASIL International Congress and Display, 2016. |
27.DALLA NORA, MACKLINI; LANZANOVA, THOMPSON ; ZHANG, YAN ; ZHAO, HUA . Engine Downsizing through Two-Stroke Operation in a Four-Valve GDI Engine. In: SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition, 2016. |
26.FAGUNDEZ, JEAN LUCCA SOUZA ; SALAU, NINA PAULA GONÇALVES ; GOLKE, D. ; MARTINS, M. ; COSTA, J.P.L. . Avaliação e validação computacional do ciclo energético do etanol hidratado entre a produção por destilação e a queima em um motor ciclo Otto.. In: COBEQ 2016 – XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2016, Fortaleza. Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2016. v. 1 |
25.ZHANG, YAN ; DALLANORA, MACKLINI ; ZHAO, HUA . Investigation of Valve Timings on Lean Boost CAI Operation in a Two-stroke Poppet Valve DI Engine. In: JSAE/SAE 2015 International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, 2015. |
24.DALLA NORA, M.; PEDROZO, V. B. ; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; ZHANG, Y. ; ZHAO, H. . Extreme engine downsizing by doubling the firing frequency in a boosted direct injection gasoline engine. In: Internal Combustion Engines Conference – Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), 2015, Londres. Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), 2015. |
23.MARTINS, M. ; FISCHER, I. ; ARONIS, A.N. ; LEWISKY, F. ; GOLKE, D. . Conversion of a Diesel engine to operate with HCCI of wet ethanol in one of the cylinders. In: 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Annals do 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2015. |
22.FAGUNDEZ, JEAN LUCCA SOUZA ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; SALAU, NINA PAULA GONÇALVES . Study of Wet Ethanol Energy Balance: From Production to Fuel. In: 24th SAE Brasil International Congress and Display, 2015. |
21.ZHANG, YAN ; DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; ZHAO, HUA . Comparison of Performance, Efficiency and Emissions between Gasoline and E85 in a Two-Stroke Poppet Valve Engine with Lean Boost CAI Operation. In: SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, 2015. |
20.SOLIMAN, PAULO AUGUSTO ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; SCHOMMER, ADRIANO . Formula SAE Aerodynamics: Design process with focus on drivability. In: 24th SAE Brasil International Congress and Display, 2015. |
19.SARI, R. ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; LANZANOVA, T, D.M. ; VIELMO, H.A. . Combustion analysis of a single cylinder engine running with different ethanol-water blends. In: Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, 2014, Curitiba. Proceedings to the Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, 2013. |
18.NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; SARI, R. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; PACHECO, A.F. ; MACHADO, Paulo Romeu Moreira ; MARTINS, M.E.S. . The use of 1-D computational simulation to develop an ethanol fueled power generation set operating at variable speed. In: Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, Curitiba, 2013, 2014, Curitiba, 2013. Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, Curitiba, 2013, 2013. |
17.LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; SARI, R. ; TATSCH, G.A. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; SPOHR, C. . Further Investigations on the operation of a spark ignited engine running on high water content ethanol. In: Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, Campinas, 2014, 2014, Campinas. Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, Campinas, 2014, 2014. |
16.TATSCH, G.A. ; SARI, R. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; GORCK, C.L. . Cylinder pressure based calibration of a Formula SAE racing engine. In: Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, Campinas, 2014, 2014, Campinas. Control, Measurement & Calibration Congress, Campinas, 2014, 2014. |
15.TIBOLA, JONAS ROBERTO ; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; MARTINS, M. ; PINHEIRO, HUMBERTO . Desenvolvimento de um driver de injeção direta baseado no conversor boost com célula multiplicadora de tensão. In: XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2014, Belo Horizonte. Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2014. |
14.TIBOLA, JONAS ROBERTO ; PEREIRA, ALEXANDRE TREVISAN ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; MARTINS, MARIO ; GRUNDLING, HILTON ABILIO ; PINHEIRO, HUMBERTO . Speed control for ethanol engine of variable speed gensets. In: IECON 2013 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2013, Vienna. IECON 2013 – 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. p. 3764. |
13.FROHLICH, G. K. ; SARI, R. ; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; MARTINS, M. . Sistemas de Injeção de Combustível em Motores Diesel. In: IV Escola de Combustão, 2013, Belém-PA. Curso de Combustão em Motores Diesel, 2013. v. 1. p. 141-158. |
12.SARI, R. ; LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; TATSCH, G.A. . Combustion performance of high water content hydrous ethanol. In: Virtual Powertrain Conference, São Paulo, 2013, 2013, São Paulo. Virtual Powertrain Conference, São Paulo, 2013, 2013. |
11.TIBOLA, JONAS ROBERTO ; PEREIRA, ALEXANDRE TREVISAN ; DALLA NORA, MACKLINI ; MARTINS, MARIO ; GRUNDLING, HILTON ABILIO ; PINHEIRO, HUMBERTO . Modeling and control of an ethanol Variable Speed Genset. In: 2013 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP 2013), 2013, Gramado. 2013 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference. p. 705. |
10.LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; VIELMO, H.A. ; SARI, R. ; FREITAG, T. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MACHADO, Paulo Romeu Moreira . Analysis of a spark ignition engine fuelled with high water content ethanol. In: 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013), 2013, Ribeirão Preto. 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013), 2013. |
9.NORA, MACKLINI DALLA; DOS SANTOS, LUIS FELIPE MANTEY ; TIBOLA, JONAS ROBERTO ; MARTINS, MARIO EDUARDO SANTOS ; MACHADO, PAULO ROMEU MOREIRA ; GRUNDLING, HILTON ABILIO . Simulation and Experimental Results of a Diesel Engine Operating With Fumigated Ethanol Fuel. In: 21st SAE Brasil International Congress and Exhibition, 2012. |
8.LANZANOVA, T.D.M. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; VIELMO, H.A. ; SARI, R. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. . Low cost wet ethanol fuel: benefits and challenges. In: Aachen Colloquium, 2012, Aachen. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug-und Mororentechnik. Aachen: Herausgeber, 2012. v. 1. p. 1429-1454. |
7.ROSO, VINICIUS RUCKERT ; FROHLICH, GABRIEL KIELING ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; BALEN, GLEISSON ; MARTINS, MARIO EDUARDO SANTOS ; MACHADO, PAULO ROMEU MOREIRA ; BISOGNO, FABIO ECKE . Combustion Analysis of a Diesel Engine Using Computer Simulation. In: 21st SAE Brasil International Congress and Exhibition, 2012. |
6.SOUZA, D. ; MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MACHADO, P.R.M. . The Use of Computer Simulation for Development of a Four-Cylinder Race Engine. In: 20º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais SAE Brasil de Tecnologia da Mobilidade, 2011, São Paulo. Anais do 20º. Congresso e Exposição Internacionais SAE Brasil de Tecnologia da Mobilidade, 2011. |
5.MARTINS, M.E.S. ; Zhao, Hua . Turbocharging to extend the Controlled Auto-Ignition Combustion Range of a gasoline engine. In: VI Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica, 2010, Campina Grande. Anais do VI Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica. São Paulo: ABCM, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-5. |
4.MARTINS, M.E.S. ; Zhao, Hua . 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine with Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) Combustion: a comparison between Naturally Aspirated and Turbocharged Operation. In: 17º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade SAE BRASIL, 2008, São Paulo. 17º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade SAE BRASIL. Warrendale, PA, USA: SAE International, 2008. |
3.MARTINS, M.E.S. ; Zhao, Hua . Experimental Studies of a 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine with Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) Combustion. In: 16º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade SAE BRASIL, 2007, São Paulo. 16º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade SAE BRASIL. Warrendale, PA, USA: SAE International, 2007. |
2.MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MELLO, P.B. ; Marinho ; SROHAECKER, T. ; BATISTA, V. . Anéis de Pistão Nitretados para Motores de Combustão Interna. In: 11º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade, 2001, São Paulo. SAE Technical Paper Series. Warrendale, PA, USA: SAE International, 2001. |
1.MARTINS, M.E.S. ; MELLO, P.B. ; Marinho ; SROHAECKER, T. ; BATISTA, V. . Resultados preliminares de testes com anéis nitretados e cromados em um motor de combustão interna. In: 10º Congresso e Exposição Internacionais de Tecnologia da Mobilidade, 2000, São Paulo. SAE Technical Paper Series. Warrendale, PA, USA: SAE International, 2000. |
4) Apresentações de trabalho ;
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; FISCHER, I. . Conversion of a diesel engine to operate with HCCI of wet ethanol in one of the cylinders. 2016. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra).
- MARTINS, M. E. S. ; FISCHER, I. ; SARI, R. . Wet Ethanol HCCI Combustion with Diesel Exhaust Heat Recovery. 2016. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S. . The Future of Spark-Ignited Engines. 2013. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; Zhao, Hua . Turbocharging to extend the controlled auto-ignition combustion range of a gasoline engine. 2010. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- HAUSEN, R. B. ; SCHLOSSER, J. F. ; TRINDADE JR., A. L. ; ROMANO, L. N. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. . Etanol na aviação agrícola: Desafios e Potencial. 2010. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- HAUSEN, R. B. ; MARTINS, M. E. S. ; ROMANO, L. N. ; SCHLOSSER, J. F. ; TRINDADE JR., A. L. . Efficient Ethanol Engines in Agricultural Aviation are possible, with Safety and Fuel Economy. 2010. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; Zhao, Hua . 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine with Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) Combustion: a comparison between Naturally Aspirated and Turbocharged Operation. 2009. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; Zhao, Hua . 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine with Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) Combustion: a comparison between Naturally Aspirated and Turbocharged Operation. 2008. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; Zhao, Hua . Experimental Studies of a 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine with Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) Combustion. 2007. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; BATISTA, V. ; MELLO, P. B. ; SROHAECKER, T. . Anéis Nitretados para Motores de Combustão Interna. 2001. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.; BATISTA, V. ; MELLO, P. B. ; SROHAECKER, T. . Resultados preliminares de testes com anéis nitretados e cromados em um motor de combustão interna. 2000. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
- MARTINS, M. E. S.. Sobrealimentação de Motores de Combustão Interna. 1997. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário).
5) Produtos Tecnológicos ;
- MARTINS, M.; ROSO, V. R. ; MEURER, A. P. ; GUSBERTI, F. ; DORNELLES, H. M. ; SARI, R. . Motor de combustão interna de média performance, OHC, 2 cilindros em V, 2 válvulas por cilindro, 450cm3, com 20kW a 7.000rpm. 2014.
- MARTINS, M.; HAKENAAR, W. ; RIGO, A. ; MEIER, A. ; PACHECO, A. F. ; TATSCH, G. A. ; SCHIRMER, R. ; CHAGAS, M. ; BECK, J. ; VESCO, G. D. . Motor de combustão interna de alta performance, DOHC, monocilíndrico de 4 válvulas, 70cm3, de 20kW a 18.000rpm. 2013.
- SOLIMAN, P. ; LEAL, F. ; SCHOLZ, F. J. ; BAYER, F. M. ; MARTINS, M. . Veículo monoposto de alto desempenho para competição Formula SAE. 2013.
- MICHELS, L. ; MARTINS, M. ; SCAPINI, R. Z. ; LUCEIRO, D. . Conversor eletrônico para dinamômetro de correntes parasitas. 2012.
- MARTINS, M.; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; SARI, R. ; MICHELS, L. ; CAMPANHOLA, F. . Bancada dinamométrica móvel, com freio de correntes parasitas, para ensaios de motores de combustão interna. 2012.
- MARTINS, M.; LANZANOVA, T. D. M. ; SARI, R. . Sistema de combustão para conversão de um pequeno gerador para operação com etanol com elevado percentual de água. 2012.
- MARTINS, M.; DIAZ, F. S. ; NONAKA, H. O. B. ; CASTRO, M. S. ; ROSSETI, N. ; ESCHER, O. R. ; MEIER, R. B. ; MENEGON, R. . Motor monocilíndrico, OHV, 2 válvulas, de 2kW a 5000rpm. 2012.
- PINHEIRO, H. ; GRÜNDLING, H.A. ; MACHADO, P. R. M. ; MARTINS, M. ; BISOGNO, F. E. ; NORA, MACKLINI DALLA ; TIBOLA, J. R. . Gerador síncrono de ímã permanente com velocidade variável utilizando motor a etanol. 2012.
6) Manuais e Cartilhas.